Current weather condition in Bresso airport (LIMB)

Observations are powered by Sainlogic ws3500 weather station
10.9 °C
Mostly Clear
AQI: No Data (unknown)
Feels like: 11.0 °C
High Low
18.6 °C 9.3 °C
-- -
Speed Gust
0   0
Barometer1014.6 mbar
Dew Point10.3 °C
Outside Humidity96%
Rain0.00 cm  0.00 cm/hr
Visibility9.65606 km
Sun & Moon

Waxing Crescent
9% visible
Forecast Interval (hours):
Weather Record Snapshots. View all weather records here.
High: 18.6 °C Low: 9.3 °C
Average Wind: 1 knots Highest Wind: 5 knots
Today's Rain: 0.00 cm Highest Rate: 0.00 cm/hr
High: 20.2 °C Low: 9.3 °C
Average Wind: 1 knots Highest Wind: 16 knots
Total Rain: 5.15 cm Highest Rate: 2.88 cm/hr
Recent Local Earthquake

Earthquake of magnitude 2.1, near of Vannes
Magnitude 2.1
947.8 km WNW
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